Managers of non-academic course shells can use the below roles to provide any Kutztown user access to their course. Instructors of academic courses can submit a request to the Help Center if any changes to their classlist are required.

PLEASE NOTE: Some roles have elevated permissions that provide access to student data, including grades. Please review the description for each role below before adding a user to your course or elevating a user's role.


If you have any questions about the permissions associated with a role, please contact




This is the traditional student role that users are assigned when they are enrolled in an official KU academic course. This role does not have any elevated permissions and should be used when an instructor wants to add additional students (a single student or group of students) who are not officially enrolled in a course. A user in this role will appear as a typical student.


If you want to enroll an entire section of a course into another course, the Course Merge process is recommended so that future enrollments process automatically. You can find the current Course Merge Request form and additional information about the process here.



This variation of the student role is recommended for adding a course tutor or study group leader so the user can have access to the course material but not appear in the course gradebook, attendance, or class progress. This role does not have any elevated permissions.



This role is intended to be used for librarians who may be assisting with a project or facilitating a research discussion in your course. Elevated permissions for this role include:


  • Ability to view all course content, including restricted content (content cannot be added, modified, or deleted).
  • Ability to view and email the Classlist.
  • Ability to view and respond to all existing course discussions (cannot create new discussion topics).


Committee Member

This role is intended to be used by committees where document sharing and collaboration is necessary. Elevated permissions for this role include:

  • Ability to view all assignment folder submissions.


If you are running an organization or committee and do not want members to be able to see assignment folder submissions by other members, use the Student role.


Teaching Assistant

This is an elevated role intended for course teaching assistants. Elevated permissions for this role include:

  • Ability to access to all course content, including restricted content.
  • Ability to add and edit (overwrite) content, but not remove content.
  • Ability to read and respond to all existing course discussions, but not create new discussion topics.
  • Ability to view and email the Classlist.
  • Ability to record attendance.
  • Ability to post new course Announcements.


Teaching Assistant Plus Grades

This role contains the highest level of elevated permissions beyond Instructor and Guest Instructor.

This is an elevated role intended for course teaching assistants. Elevated permissions for this role include all Teaching Assistant permissions (above) in addition to the following:

  • Ability to evaluate student Assignment submissions.
  • Ability to grade Discussion topics.
  • Ability to enter and edit student Grades (cannot enter or release final Grades or export Grades).
  • Ability to see Content statistics and Class Progress.


Guest KU Instructor

This role closely resembles the standard Instructor role, but distinguishes Guest Instructors from the course Instructor automatically enrolled by MyKU. Users added to a course in this role will have full instructor access to the course, with the ability to add and modify all course material, as well as see all student data. However, this role cannot add participants of any type to the course. This role is recommended for co-teaching or department collaboration, and should only be offered to current KU faculty and staff. If you would like to add a guest instructor to an academic course, please send a request to


Non-KU Guest

If you’d like to provide a non-Kutztown user access your course, please send a request to with the user’s name, email address, course code and section, semester, and the duration of course access. Guest roles are available for up to one semester. This role is intended for course observation and does not provide access to any student data, including Discussions, Grades, Assignments, Classlist.