This article documents the process of exporting D2L course content. Exporting course components from a D2L course shell allows you to keep an archived copy of your course on your hard drive or removable disk drive. This backup can then be imported into another course.
About the course export file
Course components are exported as a SCORM compliant .zip file (compressed file), which is a standard learning management system file format. This file is known as a ‘course package’ and contains all the components of you course (content, quizzes, discussions, etc.). You can upload this course package .zip file into any learning management system that supports SCORM-compliant files.
Important: Be sure to leave the compressed .zip file intact on your computer. Do not attempt to decompress and/or pull the files apart, as this may corrupt the files and cause issues when attempting to load it back into a learning environment.
Notes about the data
User data is not exported in this process. For example, if export the Dropbox, none of the assignments submitted to the Dropbox folders are exported. Similarly, if you export a Discussion board, only the hierarchy will export. Messages posted to the discussion topics will not be exported. If you need to save student data, see the following articles:
Download Assignment Submissions
Export Grades
Saving Student Discussion Posts
Links and associations between components will also not be exported. This includes linked grade items, release conditions, and date restrictions.
Exporting your course components
Navigate to the “Course Administration” page by clicking “Course Admin” in the navigation menu. Under the “Site Resources” heading, select “Import / Export / Copy Components.”
Choose “Export as Brightspace Package.” Select the individual components that you wish to export, or select all. You can also export select items within each component. To do so, select the “Select individual items to export” option. Once you have made your selections, click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.
If you chose to export individual items, you will be taken to a second page to select the items that you wish to export. Select the individual items and sub-items and then click “Continue.”
On the next screen, confirm the exponents for export and then click “Export.”
The export will begin to process. This process may take several minutes. When the export is complete you will receive a notification in the Update Alerts to download the package.
When you receive the alert that the package is ready, click on the alert.

On the “Export Summary” page will display. Click the “Click here to download the export Zip package” link. You can then choose a location on your computer to save the file. After you have downloaded the file, click “Done.”
Remember to leave the .zip file intact if you wish to import it into another course or learning management system.