Padlet is available as an LTI Integration for users in courses under the Art Department in D2L. Note that a Padlet account registered with the KU VPA is required for embedding Padlet documents with the below methods. 

Embedding in Content

To add a Padlet to the Content area of your D2L course shell:

  • Navigate to Content.
  • Link to the Padlet using Existing Activities>Padlet. 

The Existing Activites selector in D2L.

  • A new window will prompt you to select the Padlet to embed.

The Padlet selector menu.

  • Select your desired Padlet. Depending on sharing settings (see below), it will be visible to students inside the Course Content browser. 

Embedding in Text

To add a Padlet to a rich text area in D2L:

  • Click on the Insert Stuff button. 

The Insert Stuff button in a rich text field.

  • Select Padlet from the list.
    • A new window will prompt you to select the Padlet to embed.
    • Select your desired Padlet. Depending on sharing settings (see below), it will be visible to students inside the Course Content browser. 

Sharing Options

If you want students to work on their own copy of the Padlet, toggle the Create a copy for each user option ON. With this setting enabled, students will get their own copy when they click on the link in the assignment and you will be automatically added as a shared member to the padlet.